If you are new to Teaching Will, here's a quick word about how it works:
I started this blog on July 6, 2009, as a way to get the stories of public-school children, and their adventures with me in an after-school Shakespeare program, into the world.
In the last six months, I've chronicled Year Four, which started in January of 2009 and ended in June of 2009 with a production of "Twelfth Night."
If you've recently happened upon Teaching Will, you might consider drifting over to the "Blog Archive" section in the sidebar, starting with July and rolling forward.
In January of 2010, the stories of Year Five will begin with the auditions for a whole new club with a brand new cast of characters.
In 2010, The Shakespeare Club will tackle "Macbeth." May the Force be with us....God knows we'll need it as we forge into this dark tale of skewed ambition and murderous acts. Will the curse of the play land on our humble doorstep? Will we be felled by the Swine Flu? Will the group stay together with more ✓s and fewer xs? I'm already freaked out and it's only December. Stay tuned.
I achieved being in Shakespeare Club.
I achieved, I'm not sure anymore.
The audience was horrifying, because My parents and friends were there.
Is what I felt like with the audience.
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